Wednesday, May 4, 2011

7 years

Today marks 7 years since my dad passed away. With that thought, come so many memories. This picture describes how most of my family will remember him.....wearing dirty work clothes, being silly for the camera....all he needs is a diet coke in his hand! I was watching my sisters wedding video the other night and saw myself dancing with my dad-one of the very few times I did. How I wish I would have taken more opportunities to spend time with him rather than being a stinky teenager who thought her parents were not "cool enough." Oh how I miss him. But, even though I may be sad, I will use his passing as a reminder to always cherish those I have on this earth and to spend that time with them I may not have again. I think I will go hug my kids and tell them yet again how great of a grandpa they have and how much he loves them! I love you dad.