Thursday, May 24, 2012

Is It Worth It?

I know I have not put anything on here for a really long time and I know I am not very loyal when I do write things.  But, I have been it worth it to keep this up?  I don't know if anyone really even reads this and, if not, then it is not worth my time.  So, if you chance upon this blog and actually read it, leave me a comment and I will start back up with the silliness we go through in this wonderful household!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Welcome to the World

Yes, what can I say? She already smiles at her mama! And this was right after a bath too!

On Friday, January 20, 2012 at 9:07am our lives changed from a family of five to a family of 6 with the addition of little E weighing in at 6 pounds 8 ounces and measuring 19 inches long! I could go into a real long labor story but I will spare people the details and just say it was not quite as "uneventful" and "easy" as we had planned it to be but we are sure glad things worked out and we have a new beautiful and healthy baby girl in our house :)

Her brother and sisters love her but especially B-I can already see her babysitting skills in the making. A likes to rub her head while she is eating and K just is happy to see her each day, not really interacting with her too much. Maybe that will change when she does more than sleep, eat, and poop all day long! I know this is short, but I just wanted to post this for anyone wanting to see a really cute picture of a really cute girl!