Thursday, May 24, 2012

Is It Worth It?

I know I have not put anything on here for a really long time and I know I am not very loyal when I do write things.  But, I have been it worth it to keep this up?  I don't know if anyone really even reads this and, if not, then it is not worth my time.  So, if you chance upon this blog and actually read it, leave me a comment and I will start back up with the silliness we go through in this wonderful household!


  1. I am a faithful reader! I love doing my blog because it is the only record I have of what we have done. For Christmas this year Eric and my dad went back through our blog and put it into a book. Now it was so many pages that they only did it on regular paper so my kids can't look at it yet, but someday I am excited to share it with them.

  2. Hey I commented and it did not show up! I read it! I just don't usually post public comments.

  3. i need some updates talea. ;)

  4. I hope you till get notifications when someone comments on here. I still check everyone once and a while to see if by chance you have come back.
